We have prepared the following documents that discuss some of the obstetric and gynecologic conditions we treat at the Women's Center. You will also find instructional sheets and directions that we may ask you to review as part of your care. You may select, download and print any of the following documents. Please feel free to share them with friends and family. Knowledge is power!


- Abnormal Pap and Colposcopy of the Cervix

- HPV, The Human Papilloma Virus

- Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

- Uterine Fibroids

- Vaginal Health and Hygiene


- Laparoscopy - Surgical Removal of Endometriosis and Scar Tissue

- Myomectomy - Surgical Removal of Fibroids

- Hysterectomy - Surgical Removal of Uterus

- Oophorectomy - Surgical Removal of Ovaries

- Hysteroscopy - Checking the Uterine Lining

- Endometrial Ablation - Destroying the Uterine Lining


- Birth Control Choices and Effectiveness

- Sterilization Methods for Women and Men


- Management of Hot Flashes

- Vaginal Estrogen Therapy (AUGS)

- Hormone Replacement Therapy and Hormone Replacement Therapy Scams


- Pregnancy Guide

- Postpartum Guide

- Perineal Tears (AUGS)

- Birth and Baby Care and Beyond: WellStar Resources and Classes

- Mothers Support Circle

- Virtual Breastfeeding Support

- Perinatal Loss Support

- Postpartum Depression - Mayo Clinic

- Postpartum Depression - Guide for Patients and Families

- Postpartum Depression - Brochure and Resource

- Miscarriage

- Management of Missed Miscarriage

- Rhogam for Rh negative mothers

pelvic organ prolapse and treatment:

- Pelvic Organ Prolapse (AUGS)

- Vaginal Pessaries (AUGS)

- Vaginal Suspension Surgery (AUGS)

- Sacrocolpopexy (AUGS)

Patient Guides:

- Minor Office Procedure Instructions

- Surgery Is Planned - This Is What Happens Next

- Pre and Postoperative Surgical Instructions

- Miralax Bowel Preparation

Infertility and Reversal of Tubal Sterilization reversal:

- Fertility Services at The Women’s Center

- Reversal of Tubal Sterilization

- Instructions for Ovulation Induction

- Instructions for Semen Analysis

- Instructions for Intrauterine Insemination

Bladder leaking, Urgency, and Pain:

- Stress Urinary Incontinence (AUGS)

- Overactive Bladder (AUGS)

- Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (AUGS)

- Recurrent Bladder Infections

- Urinary Tract Infections (AUGS)

-Bladder Training to Reduce Leakage

- Bladder Training (AGUS)

- Overactive Bladder Diet

- Cystoscopy

- Urodynamic (Bladder) Testing - what to expect

- Urodynamic Testing (AUGS)

- Intermittent Self Catheterization (AUGU)

- Mid-urethral Sling (AUGS)

Reflux, constipation, leaking Bowels

- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

- 10 Tips to Prevent Reflux

- Accidental Bowel Leakage (AGUS)

- Constipation I

- Constipation II

General HEALTH AND Medicine :

- Cholesterol Reduction

- Extremely Low Fat (Biliary) Diet

- Diabetes Management

- Low Back Exercises - Pregnancy and Always!

- Strength Exercises

Obesity, Exercise and Weight Loss:

- Weight Loss Clinic at The Women’s Center

- 10 Slim Down Strategies

- Cheap Ways to Stay In Shape

- Nine Hard Truths of Weight Loss

- 21 Tips for Weight Loss That Work!

- Bariatric Surgery LaGrange I- Drs Ralston and John-Woody Major

- Bariatric Surgery LaGrange II


- Five Tips - Addressing the Many Layers of Libido

- Libido and Orgasm

- Mastrubation

- How to Help Your Partner Meet Your Needs

- Dyspareunia - Pain With Sex

- Vaginismus

- Vaginal Dilation

- The Clitoris - Part I

- The Clitoris - Part II

- Cliovana - Mechanical and Sound Stimulation of the Clitoris

- Cliovana - The Orgasm Gap

- Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

- Vitalia Pre & Post Treatment Information


- Sculpsure Permanent Fat Reduction

- Tempsure Envi - Laser Skin Tightening

- Clinical Strength Skin Care by Obagi Medical

Mood, Stress, ADHD, Anxiety and Life:

- Coping With Stress

- Stress Management Tips

- Foods That Help and Hurt Anxiety